by Kimba at Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
What's Happening on the Center Stage
- The second review in a series of reviews of Queen Victoria's Book of Spells-An Anthology of Gaslamp Fantasy by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling.
- A bonus book review! Allegiant. May contain spoilers; read at your own risk.
- Feature & Follow Friday #190 gave me to chance to rewrite Allegiant.
- This week's quote of the week is about taking a chance and doing something daring.
- While I didn't post about it, I said good-bye to another season of Downton Abbey with a group of wonderful co-workers last Sunday. Till next winter Downton!
- Sunday is the Oscars! Later today on I'll share my picks and then later this week, I'll let you know how I did with my picks. Only 2 movies left at the cheap theatre for me to see before the big show...Gravity and The Wolf of Wall Street!
- Found this article on The Huffington Post quite delightful: Stop Binge-Watching And Start Binge-Reading. I Read 300 Books Last Year And Am Smarter Because Of It. While I doubt I could cruise through 300 books in one year, I did like the author's point about reading the stuff in books that interests you.
- I found two articles in the past week about required reading in schools. I found them be quite thought provoking. The Press Democrat's Close to Home: Give teens better books than 'Catcher in the Rye' and The Medium's Why required reading is hurting America.
- As a fan of House of Cards, I found this article about 9 Things 'House Of Cards' Took From Shakespeare quite interesting. I honestly love how Frank speaks directly to the camera. I've read a few books as well that break that fourth wall and if it is done correctly it is so delightful. It's like someone is reading your thoughts and confirming your suspicions about where the train is headed.
- Did anyone else check out this chart from Epic Reads this week? An Epic Chart of 162 Young Adult Retellings.
- And here's my Facebook image for this week.

Holding Auditions
- Watching: The West Wing Season 2, Supernatural Season 2, Grimm Season 3, The Big Bang Theory Season 7, The House of Cards Season 2, The Game of Thrones Season 3
- Reading or Read: Queen Victoria's Book of Spells: An Anthology of Gaslamp Fantasy edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling
- Purchased: Grasshopper Jungle by Andrew Smith and Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan
- Looking forward the Linn Area Reads discussion on Thursday, March 6 at Barnes & Noble.
What did you read or watch this week? Anything good? Something I should add to my to-read or to-watch list?