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Sunday, February 2, 2014

A Note from the Director: My Super Bowl is not your Super Bowl

That's right. I said it. I don't care about the Broncos and the Seahawks. I won't even be tuning in to watch the commercials. Tonight at about 10 to 8, I'll be making tea, snuggling up with the kitty-babies and tuning into PBS to watch Sherlock insult Watson and the Dowager Countess insult everyone. My Super Bowl is a month away and I have a lot of prep to do.

I am a huge movie buff and this is my favorite time of year. I relish being able to go to the movie theatre almost every weekend and get lost in the dark. Next to the smell of fresh brewed coffee mixed with the smell of new books, watching a movie is one of my favorite experiences.

And I don't mind waiting. It's become kind of a challenge for me to see how many nominated movies I can see before the Oscars and then making my picks. I'm not very good at picks. I ignore the critics and vote with my heart. What movie made me laugh or cry or look at the world in a different way? Those are the movies that should win. Sometimes a box office hit and the really emotional movies cross paths and an Oscar is won for one if my picks. But that doesn't happen often.

Over the next few weeks, as I venture out to my favorite locally owned independent theatre, I'll be keeping you up to date on what nominated flicks I've seen and what I want to win. By the time, Oscar Sunday rolls around, I'll post my picks and we can compare as they announce the winners.

So I hope your pick wins tonight and that all the commercials are amazing. I'll be hunkering down like an old woman watching PBS and counting the days to my Super Bowl Sunday. Cheers!

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