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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Valentine's Mini Challenge #04: Love Triangles

The Valentine's Mini Challenge is a Parajunkee.com Adventure running February 10th through February 14th.

Valentine's Mini Challenge #4: Love-triangles. The Ones that worked for you, The ones that didn’t.

The One that Worked: Bill, Sookie and Eric in the Sookie Stackhouse series. I could understand why Sookie would be torn between Bill and Eric--the Southern Gentleman vs. the Southern Bad Boy. Although, I've always felt that if Sookie was going to choose a vampire, she should have picked Bill. He always, in the novels, had Sookie's best interests at heart.

The One that Didn't: Most love triangles in Young Adult fiction really bother me. When I was a teenager, I wish I was as lucky as some of the main female characters in YA Fiction to have 2 guys drooling over me.

The love-triangles in the Twilight series really creep me out. I'm not sure why because the same reason it creeps me out (the age factor) doesn't creep me out when it comes to Sookie, Eric and Bill. Maybe it is because Bella is still a teenager when the series starts out. Oh, and don't get me started on Jacob's obsession with Bella and then his sudden obsession with Renesmee. That has my skin crawling just thinking about it!

What love triangles have worked for you? Which ones haven't? Share below in comments.

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5

Valentine's Book Blogging Challenge