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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Feature and Follow #188-05: Feature Another Blogger

It's time for Feature and Follow Friday!

This week's question: Find a “new to you blogger” and feature their button on your post this week. Tell us why this blogger stands out to you.

I dove into this week's challenge head first last weekend. I spent some time reading some of last week's Feature and Follow Friday participants and came across Pretty Little Pages which is a blog hosted by Kristen, otherwise known as Spockella. After reading her About Me page and the books genres she prefers, I felt we were destined to be great book blogging friends. She reads genres similar to mine. She loves Star Trek! She has a cat she worships. (I have 2 that own the house.) And she loves to travel (more on that below!). I reached out via email and asked her if I could feature her blog on this week's Feature & Follow Friday. She agreed to let me feature Pretty Little Pages and she wanted to feature Second Run Reviews over on her site.

After a bit of back and forth, Kristen and I decided to come up with questions for each other so all the visitors to our sites could learn a little bit more about us since we are both new to the blogosphere. We asked each other completely different questions so you'll want to drop by her site to see the questions she asked me!

What was your childhood dream?
Oh gosh. I was an imaginative child, so it changed every day, I watched JAG with my dad religiously, so I wanted to be a JAG officer for a long time. Teacher, author, forensic pathologist were also at the top of my list. The one dream that always stuck with me, and I've been fortunate to start fulfilling, is traveling. My family is quite small, and I took a lot of trips with my parents and grandparents as a child. My mother always made sure I knew there was more to the world than Tennessee and encouraged me to learn about it and experience it.

Which currently reality show would you like a guest spot on?
Honestly, I don't keep up with reality TV much. Though, I am hooked on 90 Day Fiancé on TLC. When I was a teenager, I wanted to be on The Real World or Road Rules. Nowadays, I'd love to have a show similar to any of Samantha Brown's Passport shows if that counts as reality TV. (I'm showing my age with remembering those, I think.)

I learned from your blog, you like to travel. What has been your favorite trip? What trip is still on your bucket list?
I have my own version of travel challenge to visit all of the United States Presidential graves and homes. I'm nearly half-way through the list, but seeing Thomas Jefferson's Monticello was definitely my favorite. His personal library was a dream come true. It's the one place I could return to again and again and never tire of. Getting to experience NYE in Times Square is another one close to the top of my list. The one trip that will forever be on my bucket list is Bruges, Belgium. The medieval architecture is to die for. For the longest time, my desktop was a picture of the canals in Bruges.

What song, when you hear it, makes you drop everything that you must either belt it out or dance along?

Purple Haze by Jimi Hendrix. Jimi is one of my favorite musicians, and Purple Haze is my favorite song by him. It's recently been on one of the Olympic commercials, and I start belting it out as soon as I hear the line, "Excuse me while I kiss the sky".

What's one thing you would like a new visitor to your blog know about you or your blog that would make them want to become a follower?
This is such a broad question. Books have been a constant companion of mine since I was an only child. I have a deep passion for reading and appreciating the written word. I hope that I convey that through my blog. Instead of giving a robotic review that you can read all over the place, I try to put my own spin and humor with my reviews and posts.

Kristen, thank you for letting me introduce my fans to Pretty Little Pages Good luck visiting all the Presidential Libraries. Let me know when you make it to the great state of Iowa. Herbert Hoover's library* isn't far from me! Maybe we can meet up. We look forward to subscribing to your posts and reading a WIDE range of reviews on your your blog in the future.

* For those of you who are Little House on the Prairie fans, almost of Laura's and Rose's personal papers are housed at the Hoover Library!

Don't forget to checkout the featured bloggers on Alison Can Read and Parajunkee.com.