Keeper by Ingrid Seymour
400 pages
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Second Run Review's Question: When I read Keeper I was enthralled with the Morphids. A secret species that develops special skills during their teenage years. The story is focused around 3 Morphids who are coming of age. What inspired you to create Morphids?
Ingrid's Answer: Well, I was thinking about Monarch butterflies one day and how they go from ugly caterpillars to such beautiful creatures. Then the thought crossed my mind: “what if we could go through a metamorphosis, too?” And voilĂ , that was all it took. All my book ideas seem to come from random thoughts like this. My mind is a very weird place. LOL!
Second Run Review's Question: I know there's you must do other things than come up with cool ideas like Morphids and write about them so other than writing, what do you like to do in your spare time?
Ingrid's Answer: I like to read (no surprise there :) I also enjoy cooking, working out and especially spending time with my family. I have 2 amazing kids and an equally amazing husband. #SoLucky
Second Run Review's Question: Ah, of course, you are a reader as well as a writer! What would you say are your top 3 reads or favorite authors if it is too hard to pick JUST 3 books?
Ingrid's Answer: Lately, I’ve been in love with Laini Taylor and her Daughter of Smoke and Bone series. She is very talented and a huge inspiration. I also admire Stephen King and Neil Sushterman.
Second Run Review's Question: Reading has played a big role in my life. I remember key moments when a book touched me and changed my life. What is your best writing or reading memory?
Ingrid's Answer: Definitely the day I received an email from an editor at Harper Voyager letting me know that they wanted to publish my novel, Ignite The Shadows (August 2015), I blinked at the monitor several times before I screamed and startled everyone. Dreams don’t come true every day. That day, for me, one huge one did.
Second Run Review's Question: Oh, new book next year?! Exciting! And congratulations! Everyone should add that to their to-read list now. While we are eagerly awaiting Ignite the Shadows, perhaps you have some advice for aspiring authors and your fans?
Ingrid's Answer: Whatever dream you have, believe that it is possible. Before attaining anything, we have be able to believe we can accomplish it. If we don’t think we can reach our hearts desire, how would we ever take the first step?
Second Run Review's Closing: Excellent advice, Ingrid. I appreciate you granting me an interview here at Second Run Reviews. I look forward to promoting Keeper and maybe even your next novel Ignite the Shadows. Good luck with this book tour and I wish you all the best with your new book and in future endeavors.
Keeper Volume 1 is available on for 99 cents. You also purchase Volumes 2, 3 and 4! Grab them today and let me know your thoughts in comments.
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