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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

A Note from the Director: Out Loud! 2014 featuring Wally Lamb

Last Friday night, I attended the second Out Loud! event of 2014. Our three Metro area libraries sponsor authors throughout the summer months. The events usually involve a reading and a signing afterwards. The cool part? They are free events!

The second speaker this summer was Wally Lamb. While I haven't read any of Wally's books, I have heard of him and his books are come highly recommended by lots of people.

It was great to hear Wally speak. He shared a funny story about a book signing he did at a newly opened Costco which warmed up the crowd and got us laughing. He read from his newest book, We Are Water and ended his night answering questions. One audience member asked about his connection to characters with mental illnesses. Wally shared a wonderful story about his friendship with a man who copes with mental illness. It was a touching story. Wally said mental illness is a mystery and a miracle. Since my husband dedicates his life to working with individuals who have mental and physical disabilities, Wally's story meant a lot me as I see that in my husband's life almost daily.

Here are some pictures from the event:

Coming next week!: Elizabeth Berg.