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Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Sunday Post #31: Week of July 6, 2014

The Sunday Post
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba at Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

Well, I got back into the swing of things at work after being off for a week. It wasn't too hard to get caught up. I had excellent out of office coverage. Our company is finally on the verge of having all departments back under one roof after being in 3 separate building for 5+ years at least. the new building is great except all the hallways are grey and I keep getting lost trying to find the right door out to my car. That's my goal this week, consistently find the RIGHT stairwell that leads directly to the door closest to my car. The new building is also 2 miles closer to my house. So on average, I'll be saving 10 miles each day. The downside? I have 2 less miles to listen to my SYNC Audiobooks each morning. But saving gas is cool even if it cuts into my "reading" time. I hope all if you had a great week. I can't believe the summer is almost over. How do I know that? The local weather guy posted on FB this week that we are actually loosing daylight now. That's right, folks. Those back to school sales are right around the corner!

What's Happening on the Center Stage

Don't forget about this!

What's Waiting in the Wings
  • Monday's Author Interview: Ingrid Seymour, author of Keeper
  • Tuesday: Out Loud! Author Series Review featuring Wally Lamb.
  • Wednesday: Reading Challenge Update #07 + The State of the Blog
  • Thursday: Feature & Follow #210
  • Friday: Book Blogger Buzz Tour Stop featuring Ali's Bookshelf Reviews

What's Happening on Other Stages
In an effort to share great content I find all week long and promote the blogs a visit frequently, I encourage you to follow me on Twitter and Facebook as I'm posting links there throughout the week that I find that might be of interest to my followers.
What did you read or watch this week? Anything good? Something I should add to my to-read or to-watch list?