Today I'm happy to welcome Ali from Ali's Bookshelf to the stage at Second Run Reviews. Ali and I are taking part of the Book Blogger Buzz Tour and today's my day to be the Hostess with the Mostest.
Ali is the mother of two amazing kids and she loves to read. She has been reading most of her life and loves to read YA books and fantasy/romance books--vampires, werewolves, elves, Dwarfs and a bit of magic, OH MY! Her bookshelves are overflowing, but I'm sure, if she is anything like me, that doesn't stop her from buying more books! The goal of Ali's Bookshelf is to share her love of reading with others. Ali is the host of a great feature called Right Up My Alley (clever name!) and Mini Me Corner which features her daughter.
And now I will turn it over to Ali who is sharing her biggest blogger fail. I hope that after everyone reads Ali's post they will take a minute and use one of the links below to start following her. She's got some great stuff happening over at Ali's Bookshelf. Take it away, Ali!
Your Biggest Blogger Fail. Recount it.
Looking back over my years of book blogging, I would have to say I've had a few of those big blogger fail moments. I mean who hasn't, if we're being honest with ourselves, we've all had those moments where we are face palming and thinking why in the world did I just do that. So yeah, I have my pick of moments to chose from, but I think my biggest moment that I can remember would have to be when I posted a review for a book that I thought for sure was coming out within the next two weeks after I posted my review, but come to find out the publishing company had put off the release for a year.
I had already posted the review, once I figured out that the book was no longer being released at that time, I contacted the publishing company that had sent me the review copy and asked them what they wanted me to do. Luckily, they told me to just leave it up and were happy with the review. But, after that fiasco, I have double and triple checked my dates, even up to the second before posting, to make sure it's okay to post.
What is your biggest blogger fail? We all would love to know that we aren't alone in these fail moments.
Her Blog, Ali's Bookshelf
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Well, that wraps up today's Book Blogger Buzz Tour stop. There's still 2 weeks left of topics and chances to enter to win a Kindle Fire HD. Keep visiting each a tour stop each day for a chance to win. And don't forget you can go back and read my post from last week over at Bibliognome. Thanks for stopping by, reading and responding to Ali's post and entering our great giveaway. Stop back soon!