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Monday, March 24, 2014

Book Review #17: Alice in Wonderland by Nancy Christie

"Alice in Wonderland" by Nancy Christie was featured in The Fussy Librarian recently. At last check it was just 99 cents on Amazon.com. The title alone drew me in. I'm a huge fan of the retellings of fairy tales and am always on the lookout for a fresh, unique take and Alice in Wonderland delivers.

Alice, who is under the thumb of an oppressive parent, is a book lover and uses books to escape her miserable life. In just 14 short pages, Christie creates a world that anyone would want to escape from. Christie is brilliant at balancing the magical with the oppressive throughout the duration of the story. As a reader and book lover with real world commitments like cleaning the house and bringing home the bacon, I could feel Alice's longing to stay holed up with her books versus caring for her mother. I've often felt a similar way on the weekends.

"Alice in Wonderland" by Nancy Christie gets a thumbs up.

"Alice in Wonderland":
Alice in Wonderland

Bonus: There is a sneak peak of Christie's "Annabelle" at the end of "Alice in Wonderland". The excerpt was mysterious and I definitely want to read more! I'll probably be picking it up soon.
