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Friday, January 3, 2014

Book Blogger New Year's Challenge Day 3: The Books of 2013 I'm Sad I Missed

The Books of 2013 I'm Sad I Missed

Well, if I had a list of books I'm sad I missed, that would kind of go against the idea behind my blog to not necessarily read the latest and greatest trend. And do you ever really miss a book? If it was a book you really wanted to read, you probably bought the book and have in on your to-read shelf, either physically or virtually. So it is still there. You didn't miss it. You just missed the wave. If the book was really awesome, that wave will come around again. Just be patient.

There's a right and a wrong time to read a book. Maybe that book you feel you missed, it wasn't the right time for you to read it, but this next year is the right time. Don't pressure yourself to read the latest and greatest if it isn't something you love. Or maybe you have fallen out of love and feel obligated to read the next book. (Sookie Stackhouse, anyone?) Unless you are in school, there's really nothing, but yourself telling you what you should and should not read. So just follow you heart. What do you want to read? What's calling your name? Read that. And enjoy!

Book Blogger New Year’s Challenge


  1. Totally right. I do have a list of them (along with older books) just because I haven't gotten round to be able to buy them yet...but I will eventually. Maybe in ten years, but I will :).

    BTW, I tried your GFC again, and it still doesn't work. It says:
    "We're sorry...
    We were unable to handle your request. Please try again or return a bit".later.


    1. Roberta, I'll try to troubleshoot this later today! I'm sorry you are having problems.

    2. Roberta, I think I got GFC fixed!!

    3. Proud to be your first fan ;).

  2. You do make a great point here about finding the right time to read a book and not to feel pressured to read the latest thing. :)

  3. That's a great point! There's a few on my list I actually have but somehow others came first, lol.

  4. Woah. This is a brilliant concept. My mind is now blown.

    1. Alisa, classic example for me. I picked up His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman at least 3 or 4 times over the years and just couldn't get into it. In 2011, I finally felt drawn to them. One of the best trilogies I've read. Now the movie on the other hand...
