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Thursday, September 11, 2014

A Note from the Director: More Change Blowing in the Wind

Well, the time has come, dear fans of Second Run Reviews, to move on to bigger and better things. On Thursday evening, I am officially moving from Blogger to a self-hosted WordPress site. The web address will remain the same. Right before I head to bed on Thursday night, I'll be taking off the URL redirect and turning everything over to the Internet Gods and WordPress. Hopefully by the time I wake on Friday morning, the DNS updates will have taken place and we'll be live on the new site.

I'll post updates on Facebook and Twitter and if y'all could respond back and let me know if you can access the site that will help put my mind at ease. I believe my current web provider is very slow to update their DNS servers based on my experience last weekend.

Thoughtful Thursday #01: Bad to the Bone

Reading Is Fun Again
hosts Thoughtful Thursday. Each week, readers are invited to share their thoughts (either in comments or their own blogs) about various bookish topics. Everyone is welcome to join.

Question for September 11                  See Upcoming Topics
Who is one of your favorite antagonists/villains of all time?

It's been over a year since I read Gone Girl and I honestly still believe that Amy is my favorite antagonist of all time. Gillian Flynn crafted a fine thriller that kept me turning the pages wanting to find out who-dun-it. Amy was masterfully crafted to get your blood boiling. The book still gets my riled up when I think about how I felt at the end and how much I despised Amy. In fact, I still despise her and curse Flynn under my breath for toying with my emotions like a bad girlfriend (or boyfriend).

So, here's to you, Amy Dunne, may you get all you deserve and more. You certainly have a special place in my heart.