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Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Sunday Post #36: Week of August 10, 2014

The Sunday Post
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba at Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

It was a rough week in the real world, folks. I'm gonna be honest. Stress central here at Second Run Reviews. I'm working on a big project at work that won't be wrapped for 2 more weeks! I'm counting the days. Plus one of my good work friends is moving on and pursuing her dream so I'm a little bummed about that. Her dream is to be an author full-time. While her leaving behind her day job and working with me daily makes me sad, the fact she is leaving for her dream job makes me extraordinarily happy.

In other good news this week, I'm being featured over at Gin's Book Notes. Thank you to Gin for hosting me. It's been a lot of fun and I'll hope everyone who stops by today will drop by her blog, too!

What's Happening on the Center Stage

Don't forget about this!

  • LitRate is still looking for some love. Please consider promoting this new book community via social media and/or buy donating a couple of bucks. Give up your latte this week and support LitRate! Check out the website to learn more.
  • Part of my Meet & Greet feature over at Gin's Book Notes does include a giveaway. It's small, but there is some signed swag involved. The giveaway ends on September 1st.

    What's Waiting in the Wings
    We're going off script here folks! It's time for the 2014 Back to School Blogger Challenge sponsored by Parajunkee! So I'm taking a break from my regularly scheduled programming, flexing my English major muscles, and you, in return, get special posts for NINE straight days!
    What's Happening on Other Stages
    In an effort to share great content I find all week long and promote the blogs a visit frequently, I encourage you to follow me on Twitter and Facebook as I'm posting links there throughout the week that I find that might be of interest to my followers.

    What did you read or watch this week? Anything good? Something I should add to my to-read or to-watch list?