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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Back to School Challenge Day 03: Walking the Halls of Memory Lane

Back to School Book Blogger Challenge
Day 03: Share your most memorable school memory.

My elementary school days were spent at a small Catholic school. The classes were small and we were required to attend Mass on Fridays. Each Friday a different grade was in charge of Mass. My very first Mass, my little brother was born. I was staying with my grandmother and my dad, who was never able to come to many of my school events during the day because of work, was waiting for me in the back of church before everything kicked off. He told me I had a baby brother. Then my class walked down the main aisle, lined up in front of the alter and started to sing a song to start Mass.

Only a few bars into the song, I started crying. No one is sure whether is was pure joy at the birth of my brother, my father's unexpected presence at Friday Morning Mass or stage fright, but I just let the tears go. And until I go through 3rd grade, every time I had to get in front of people during Mass, I would start crying!

I eventually got over my stage fright and when I got to high school I was very involved in theatre and speech, but I still remember (as does most of my hometown) my first time "on stage" and the emotional impact it had on me.

What about you? What's your favorite school memory?

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6
Day 7 | Day 8 (did not participate) | Day 9