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Thursday, July 3, 2014

Feature and Follow #208-25: My Favorite Children's Books

It's time for Feature and Follow Friday! Don't forget to checkout the featured bloggers on Alison Can Read and Parajunkee.com.

This week's question: What are some of your favorite picture books - either current ones or ones from your childhood?

I consider myself pretty lucky. Although my life I've been encouraged to read. I can remember that most of my early childhood and elementary school teachers read to our classes or had those fancy books with cassette tapes that beeped when the pages needed to be turned. As a result, it was difficult for me to narrow down this list. I probably could list at least 20 Children's books that I adore!

The Story of Ferdinand
by Munro Leaf, Robert Lawson (Illustrator)
I love the illustrations in this book. Lawson captures the personality of Ferdinand to well in drawings.

Make Way for Ducklings
by Robert McCloskey
I vividly remember this book being read to me in elementary school. Every time I see a family of ducks, I think of this story.

The Monster at the End of this Book
by Jon Stone, Michael J. Smollin (Illustrator)
When reading this book to children, you MUST interact with the book and act out the story. If it says the page is bricked up, you better make it look like that when you turn the page!

Miss Nelson Is Missing!
(Miss Nelson #1)
by Harry Allard, James Marshall (Illustrator)
Every child's dream--the teacher is missing! But beware the substitute, she's no pushover.

"There Are Rocks in My Socks!" Said the Ox to the Fox
by Patricia Thomas, Mordicai Gerstein (Illustrator)
You thought Dr. Suess liked rhymes? This book is full of them. Tongue-twisting rights involving rocks and socks and "oxes" and foxes!

BONUS! A Children's Book I Used to Love and Now I Loathe
I first heard Love You Forever in college. It was read during a church service on Mother's Day. I was away from home and near tears when the Pastor read it. Flashforward several years and my niece crawls up into my lap with Love You Forever and I am forced to read the book at least 5 if not 6 times in a row. After about the third time, I look over at my sister and say, Does this mother seem a bit stalkerish to you? And now I can't read that that book without trying to hold back giggles and thinking someone should call the cops about an old woman crawling in the window to rock her adult son while he sleeps.

What are some of your favorite children's books? Is there a book you used to love and now you loathe?