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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

A Note from the Director: A Few of My Favorite Things #03

Number One
The little gem from my sparse jewelry collection. I received it as a Christmas gift from a good friend a couple years ago. It is perfect for a reader like me and I adore wearing it. I believe it was a part of Anthropologie's collection.

Image Courtesy of GoodReads
Buy on Amazon.com

Number Two
The audiobook of Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein narrated by Morven Christie and Lucy Gaskell. Words can barely express right now how much I love this book. It has made my drives to and from work so enjoyable and heartbreaking. I'm sure my fellow commuters are getting a great laugh at me as I gasp in surprise and cry in anguish. I'm almost done with the book and can't wait to head back to work tomorrow.

Number Three
Brad Paisley's newest album was released on August 25th. I've been a fan of Paisley for a long time. He's one of the few artists that both my husband and I enjoy listening to and "Moonshine in the Trunk" is loaded with some great sons. If you haven't heard or seen "Shattered Glass", it premiered on The Ellen Show a couple weeks ago, here's a chance to do just that. It's the song that is stuck in my head most of the time right now.

So what are some of your favorite things right now? Share in comments!