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Thursday, July 31, 2014

Feature and Follow #212-29: Where I'm From

Thanks for dropping by Second Run Reviews. If it is still Friday, August 1, I invite you to help me celebrate my birthday by hopping over to my One-Day Only Birthday Giveaway!

It's time for Feature and Follow Friday! Don't forget to checkout the featured bloggers on Alison Can Read and Parajunkee.com.

This week's question: What is the biggest city you live near (or interesting landmark)? Show us a postcard picture.

I live near Cedar Rapids, Iowa, the city of five seasons. What is the fifth season, you ask? According to the Cedar Rapids web site: "This fifth season affords us time to enjoy all other seasons, and to enjoy life." We affectionally call Cedar Rapids, the city of five smells. There are lots of plants downtown (or near downtown) that produce a varying number of smells. Some are nasty like ADM, a corn processing plant. Some are amazing like the days Quaker is making Crunchberries or General Mills is making fruit roll ups or Pop Secret Popcorn. YUMMY!

Image courtesy of the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art

I love living near Cedar Rapids. There's a few book stores, an amazing library system, awesome coffee shops and a cute little wine bar near my home. The people here are very much like where I grew up in Minnesota. I just don't have to drive 45 minutes to get to a Starbucks or Barnes & Noble.

Where do you live? Share one fun fact about the area you live in!