- Sunday: IT'S DOWNTON DAY! Finished The Astonishing Adventures of Fanboy and Goth Girl.
- Monday: Finished House of Cards Season 1. I didn't watch this week's Castle. It was really cold in Iowa. Like freeze your nose off cold.
- Tuesday: Learned about Random House's Reading Bingo Challenge 2014.
- Wednesday: Watched this week's Castle and CRIED A LOT!
- Thursday: Got stuck at work really late. Watched a bit of The Taste and yelled at the TV a lot. Missed The Big Bang Theory.
- Friday: Watched the second episode of Season 1 of The West Wing.
- Saturday: Girls Morning with my pal, Erin!
- Wish List: Splintered by A.G. Howard
- Wish List: Strands of Bronze and Gold by Jane Nickerson
- Wish List: The Inventor's Secret by Andrea Cremer
- Wish List: Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige
- Wish List: City of a Thousand Dolls by Miriam Forster
- Purchased: Alice in Wonderland by Nancy Christie. Featured in The Fussy Librarian on 01/08/2014.
- Purchased: True Blood Season 5. Still using up some of those Amazon gift cards I received for Christmas!
- Received: Oleanna by Julie Rose. Ms. Rose sent me Oleanna after assisting her with some e-Book formatting issues I noticed in her novel The Pilgrim Glass which I recently reviewed.
I'm so excited for Downton Abbey to be back. Sherlock starts in a couple weeks and then after that House of Cards is back on Netflix!
What did you read or watch this week? Anything good? Something I should add to my to-read or to-watch list?